The Name Above All Names
YaHuWaH's Appointed Times
YaHuWaH's Appointed Times
Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 14
"And the Almighty said "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years."
Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 14
"And the Almighty said "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years."
A key word that we must understand in Genesis 1:14 is the word "Seasons." This word has been translated and interpreted incorrectly for centuries. The root meaning of the word season is the Hebrew word 'Moade or Moadim' it means 'an appointed time, a festival.'
A key word that we must understand in Genesis 1:14 is the word "Seasons." This word has been translated and interpreted incorrectly for centuries. The root meaning of the word season is the Hebrew word 'Moade or Moadim' it means 'an appointed time, a festival.'
Psalm Chapter 104 Verse 9
"The Almighty appointed the moon for seasons."
Psalm Chapter 104 Verse 9
"The Almighty appointed the moon for seasons."
The word seasons again is 'Moadim' which is 'appointed times, festivals.' Therefore, we can confidently say YaHuWaH appointed the moon to determine the appointed times and festivals. In the ancient times the Prophets, Yahushua and the Apostles looked to the moon to determine the time of the month. They understood that the new moon marks the beginning of a month, and a full moon the middle of a month. This was the ancient method of counting months. This fact was perverted by the Babylonian influence while the tribes of Yisrael were in captivity and Pagan influences were embraced by the religious leaders and scribes of those times.
The word seasons again is 'Moadim' which is 'appointed times, festivals.' Therefore, we can confidently say YaHuWaH appointed the moon to determine the appointed times and festivals. In the ancient times the Prophets, Yahushua and the Apostles looked to the moon to determine the time of the month. They understood that the new moon marks the beginning of a month, and a full moon the middle of a month. This was the ancient method of counting months. This fact was perverted by the Babylonian influence while the tribes of Yisrael were in captivity and Pagan influences were embraced by the religious leaders and scribes of those times.
We need to realise that these 'moadim-appointed times' were set in the earth prior to the creation of any living being. YaHuWaH had already created a timetable for His children to meet with Him. YaHuWaH does not make mistakes, nor does He change His mind. These appointed times are signs of YaHuWaH's agreement with us, that He is our Almighty / Elohim / God, and we are His people.
We need to realise that these 'moadim-appointed times' were set in the earth prior to the creation of any living being. YaHuWaH had already created a timetable for His children to meet with Him. YaHuWaH does not make mistakes, nor does He change His mind. These appointed times are signs of YaHuWaH's agreement with us, that He is our Almighty / Elohim / God, and we are His people.
It says in the book of Hosea "My people perish for lack of knowledge." For centuries, there has been an ignorance of YaHuWaH's calendar. The man made solar calendar (Julian/Gregorian) which is used today with its Pagan inspired feast days have been substituted for YaHuWaH’s divine calendar. Much of the Pagan days came from the Roman Church, and the reason was to separate the Church and its followers from His people.
It says in the book of Hosea "My people perish for lack of knowledge." For centuries, there has been an ignorance of YaHuWaH's calendar. The man made solar calendar (Julian/Gregorian) which is used today with its Pagan inspired feast days have been substituted for YaHuWaH’s divine calendar. Much of the Pagan days came from the Roman Church, and the reason was to separate the Church and its followers from His people.
For more information on YaHuWaH's calendar click here
For more information on YaHuWaH's calendar click here
Leviticus Chapter 23 Verses 1 - 4
"And the Almighty spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the children of Yisrael and say to them, the appointed times of YaHuWaH, which you are to proclaim as set-apart gatherings, MY appointed times, are these...These are the appointed times of YaHuWaH, set-apart gatherings, which you are to proclaim at their appointed times."
Leviticus Chapter 23 Verses 1 - 4
"And the Almighty spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the children of Yisrael and say to them, the appointed times of YaHuWaH, which you are to proclaim as set-apart gatherings, MY appointed times, are these...These are the appointed times of YaHuWaH, set-apart gatherings, which you are to proclaim at their appointed times."
We need to take special note that these appointed times are not called Jewish set-apart days; but YaHuWaH calls them "MY appointed times", "The appointed times of YaHuWaH". The word seasons again is the Hebrew word 'moadim.' They are intended for all the followers of YaHuWaH. These appointed times and festivals were given to Yisrael and were commanded to be observed throughout their generations forever. ~ Exodus Chapter 12 Verses 14 - 17 & Leviticus Chapter 23
We need to take special note that these appointed times are not called Jewish set-apart days; but YaHuWaH calls them "MY appointed times", "The appointed times of YaHuWaH". The word seasons again is the Hebrew word 'moadim.' They are intended for all the followers of YaHuWaH. These appointed times and festivals were given to Yisrael and were commanded to be observed throughout their generations forever. ~ Exodus Chapter 12 Verses 14 - 17 & Leviticus Chapter 23
When the children of Yisrael left Egypt many Gentile (non-Israelite) people left with them. They were called foreigners or sojourners, and also observed the appointed times and festivals / feasts. These appointed times are not just for Israelites or Jews, they are for anyone who chooses to come into covenant with YaHuWaH by observing Torah. When you learn these feasts, you learn YaHuWaH’s ways, and His covenant.
When the children of Yisrael left Egypt many Gentile (non-Israelite) people left with them. They were called foreigners or sojourners, and also observed the appointed times and festivals / feasts. These appointed times are not just for Israelites or Jews, they are for anyone who chooses to come into covenant with YaHuWaH by observing Torah. When you learn these feasts, you learn YaHuWaH’s ways, and His covenant.
A covenant is an agreement between two people; therefore in each appointed time there is a promise from YaHuWaH establishing His covenant with us. If we don’t understand or have a knowledge of these times, then we won’t know the promise that YaHuWaH has given us.
A covenant is an agreement between two people; therefore in each appointed time there is a promise from YaHuWaH establishing His covenant with us. If we don’t understand or have a knowledge of these times, then we won’t know the promise that YaHuWaH has given us.
In today's society most of us lead very busy lives, and we carry appointment books or diary's so that we do not forget our scheduled appointments. YaHuWaH has His own appointment book in the Kingdom of Heaven, in which He schedules special appointed times with us to meet with Him. On these special appointed times His presence will be especially revealed to us. Of course, YaHuWaH wants to meet with us every day, and when we take time to meet with Him He is always there. But, there is a special blessing that comes when His children meet Him on the appointed times and feasts that He has set out in His Word.
In today's society most of us lead very busy lives, and we carry appointment books or diary's so that we do not forget our scheduled appointments. YaHuWaH has His own appointment book in the Kingdom of Heaven, in which He schedules special appointed times with us to meet with Him. On these special appointed times His presence will be especially revealed to us. Of course, YaHuWaH wants to meet with us every day, and when we take time to meet with Him He is always there. But, there is a special blessing that comes when His children meet Him on the appointed times and feasts that He has set out in His Word.
In Leviticus Chapter 23 YaHuWaH lists the appointed times to be celebrated throughout the year. The weekly Sabbath is not an appointed time. Each appointed time points to Yahushua - past, present, and future, and is a picture of the redemptive work in our lives. The seven appointed times are celebrated in two different seasons which correspond to the two agricultural seasons in Yisrael. There is a time of rain in the spring (former rain) and a time of rain in the fall (latter rain). This division relates to the two appearances that Messiah is to make on the earth:
Hosea Chapter 6 Verse 3
In Leviticus Chapter 23 YaHuWaH lists the appointed times to be celebrated throughout the year. The weekly Sabbath is not an appointed time. Each appointed time points to Yahushua - past, present, and future, and is a picture of the redemptive work in our lives. The seven appointed times are celebrated in two different seasons which correspond to the two agricultural seasons in Yisrael. There is a time of rain in the spring (former rain) and a time of rain in the fall (latter rain). This division relates to the two appearances that Messiah is to make on the earth:
The spring appointed times are:
Passover (Pesach), Unleavened Bread (Matzot) and First Fruits (Bikkurim) which include 2 set-apart days. Pentecost / The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) which is a set-apart day. The work of Messiah Yahushua during His first coming is seen most clearly in these times, as related to the former rain.
The spring appointed times are:
Passover (Pesach), Unleavened Bread (Matzot) and First Fruits (Bikkurim) which include 2 set-apart days. Pentecost / The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) which is a set-apart day. The work of Messiah Yahushua during His first coming is seen most clearly in these times, as related to the former rain.
The autumn/fall appointed times are:
The Day of Blowing The Trumpet or Shofar (Yom Teruah) and The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) each a set-apart day. The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) and the eighth day known as Shemini Atzeret. These include 2 set-apart days. These fall appointed times take place in YaHuWaH's seventh month which is the time of the latter rain, and contains revelation of Messiah’s second coming.
The autumn/fall appointed times are:
The Day of Blowing The Trumpet or Shofar (Yom Teruah) and The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) each a set-apart day. The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) and the eighth day known as Shemini Atzeret. These include 2 set-apart days. These fall appointed times take place in YaHuWaH's seventh month which is the time of the latter rain, and contains revelation of Messiah’s second coming.
Yahushua said: "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." In Matthew Chapter 24 the disciples asked Yahushua "What will be the sign of your coming?" He tells them in verse 36 "But of that day and hour knows no man…" In Deuteronomy Chapter 29 Verse 29 it says "The secret things belong to the Almighty YaHuWaH: but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever…"
Yahushua said: "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." In Matthew Chapter 24 the disciples asked Yahushua "What will be the sign of your coming?" He tells them in verse 36 "But of that day and hour knows no man…" In Deuteronomy Chapter 29 Verse 29 it says "The secret things belong to the Almighty YaHuWaH: but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever…"
The 'Appointed Times' and 'The Feasts of YaHuWaH' have a great deal to teach all believers bringing a new depth and fullness in our relationship with Him.
In every appointed time on YaHuWaH’s calendar we find His Son, Yahushua.
Yahushua Himself and His disciples observed all of the appointed times before and after His resurrection. If we claim to follow Messiah, shouldn’t we want to observe them to?
The 'Appointed Times' and 'The Feasts of YaHuWaH' have a great deal to teach all believers bringing a new depth and fullness in our relationship with Him.
In every appointed time on YaHuWaH’s calendar we find His Son, Yahushua.
Yahushua Himself and His disciples observed all of the appointed times before and after His resurrection. If we claim to follow Messiah, shouldn’t we want to observe them to?
(For a brief overview on each of the appointed times click here to start.)
(For a brief overview on each of the appointed times click here to start.)
(For more in depth information on the feasts go to Messenger of the Name channel on YouTube and watch the Feasts of YaHuWaH series click here)
(For more in depth information on the feasts go to Messenger of the Name channel on YouTube and watch the Feasts of YaHuWaH series click here)