The Name Above All Names
Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement

The next appointed time is the 'Day of Atonement' or otherwise known as 'Yom Kippur.'
The next appointed time is the 'Day of Atonement' or otherwise known as 'Yom Kippur.'
Leviticus Chapter 23 Verses 26 - 32
"YaHuWaH spoke to Moses, saying, "On the tenth day of this seventh new moon (month) is the day of the kippurim (atonement) it shall be a set-apart gathering for you, and you shall afflict your beings and shall bring an offering made by fire to YaHuWaH. And you do no work on that same day, for it is a day of the kippurim, to make atonement for you before YaHuWaH your God. For any being who is not afflicted on that same day, he shall be cut off from his people. And any being who does any work on that same day, that being I will destroy from the midst of his people. You do no work - a law forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. It is a Sabbath of rest to you, and you shall afflict your beings. On the ninth day of the new moon (month) at evening, from evening until evening you observe your Sabbath."
Leviticus Chapter 23 Verses 26 - 32
"YaHuWaH spoke to Moses, saying, "On the tenth day of this seventh new moon (month) is the day of the kippurim (atonement) it shall be a set-apart gathering for you, and you shall afflict your beings and shall bring an offering made by fire to YaHuWaH. And you do no work on that same day, for it is a day of the kippurim, to make atonement for you before YaHuWaH your God. For any being who is not afflicted on that same day, he shall be cut off from his people. And any being who does any work on that same day, that being I will destroy from the midst of his people. You do no work - a law forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. It is a Sabbath of rest to you, and you shall afflict your beings. On the ninth day of the new moon (month) at evening, from evening until evening you observe your Sabbath."

The Hebrew word 'Kippurim' means 'Atonement'. We first read of the atonement to be made for sins in Leviticus Chapter 16 after the death of Aaron's sons. Yom Kippur was the annual judgment of sin during the time of the temple service. Only the High Priest was allowed into the set-apart place. Aaron was to provide a bull as a sin offering for his house and two goats would be chosen for a sin offering for the people. The High Priest would cast lots for the two goats. One for YaHuWaH and one for Azazel. The goat whose lot fell to YaHuWaH would be given as a sin offering for the people and the goat whose lot fell to Azazel would be sent away in the wilderness after Aaron had confessed all the sins of the people over it. All atonements are made on this day because all have transgressed in their beings, by their actions. As a result, all are told to 'afflict their beings.' The Hebrew word for 'Afflict' in this passage is derived from the root 'Anah' which means to speak, respond and give account. This is a day connected with judgement, punishment and atonement.
The Hebrew word 'Kippurim' means 'Atonement'. We first read of the atonement to be made for sins in Leviticus Chapter 16 after the death of Aaron's sons. Yom Kippur was the annual judgment of sin during the time of the temple service. Only the High Priest was allowed into the set-apart place. Aaron was to provide a bull as a sin offering for his house and two goats would be chosen for a sin offering for the people. The High Priest would cast lots for the two goats. One for YaHuWaH and one for Azazel. The goat whose lot fell to YaHuWaH would be given as a sin offering for the people and the goat whose lot fell to Azazel would be sent away in the wilderness after Aaron had confessed all the sins of the people over it. All atonements are made on this day because all have transgressed in their beings, by their actions. As a result, all are told to 'afflict their beings.' The Hebrew word for 'Afflict' in this passage is derived from the root 'Anah' which means to speak, respond and give account. This is a day connected with judgement, punishment and atonement.
The verses in Leviticus Chapter 23 show clearly that it is an appointed time and a Sabbath day where no work is done.
The verses in Leviticus Chapter 23 show clearly that it is an appointed time and a Sabbath day where no work is done.
It correlates perfectly with the need for the Messiah's to act as our the High Priest. He is the only one who can stand before the throne of YaHuWaH and make atonement for our sins. This appointed day will be fulfilled again in the end time judgment of sin when the Adversary / Satan will be captured and punished forever and all shall be judged...
It correlates perfectly with the need for the Messiah's to act as our the High Priest. He is the only one who can stand before the throne of YaHuWaH and make atonement for our sins. This appointed day will be fulfilled again in the end time judgment of sin when the Adversary / Satan will be captured and punished forever and all shall be judged...
In Micah Chapter 7 Verses 18 - 20 YaHuWaH shows us that He will turn away His anger and forget our sins and remember His Covenant. As we follow the Covenant path and humble ourselves and learn to walk in the ways of Torah we will reap blessings associated with walking in His ways. As we choose to do His will, rather than our own we are set free. On this day on the Creator's calendar, as we look back and look forward, all followers of YaHuWaH should humble themselves before Him and seek His forgiveness and kindness...HalleluYaH
In Micah Chapter 7 Verses 18 - 20 YaHuWaH shows us that He will turn away His anger and forget our sins and remember His Covenant. As we follow the Covenant path and humble ourselves and learn to walk in the ways of Torah we will reap blessings associated with walking in His ways. As we choose to do His will, rather than our own we are set free. On this day on the Creator's calendar, as we look back and look forward, all followers of YaHuWaH should humble themselves before Him and seek His forgiveness and kindness...HalleluYaH
For the final appointed time please click here
For the final appointed time please click here