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Messiah's Triumphant Cry!

When reading and studying scripture sometimes we don't always see the whole meaning behind events that happened. Some of us may prefer to just read the New Testament in our Bibles and we may even view the Old Testament (Tanakh) as a history book which is irrelevant for today.

Unfortunately this way of thinking is very common and completely wrong. YaHuWaH does not change. His Word does not change. From the beginning of time He had a plan. The plan of salvation through His son Yahushua, as shown throughout the Old and the New Testament. The Old Testament is a type and shadow of the New testament and things to come. Many books in the Old Testament (Tanakh) prophecy the Messiah's birth, death and resurrection. If we don't read the Old Testament, we will miss so much truth and amazing revelations. The term 'Old Testament' was first coined by the Roman Marcion who was a staunch disciple of the false apostle Saul/Paul

Let's take a look at Yahushua's death upon the stake to gain just one of these insights.

Let's look at Matthew Chapter 27 Verses 45 - 46, when Yahushua hung upon the tree:

"And at about the ninth hour Yahushua cried out with a loud voice saying: 'Eli, Eli, lamah shebaqtani.' that is: 'My God (El), My God (El), why have you forsaken Me." (also found in Mark 15 v 34)

The scriptures tell us that some of those who heard this cry mistakenly thought Yahushua was calling for Elijah (Eliyahu).

Many today interpret Yahushua's cry as a desperate plea to His Father. One of anguish and pain and fear, feeling alone and forsaken by His Father. Some will even look at the fact that He called His Father 'God' (El) rather than Father. These interpretations portray Yahushua as one who was fearful and questioning His Father...

We must remember who Yahushua is. He is the Son of the Most High; Creator of the universe and He came to do His Father's will

When Yahushua uttered these words He wasn't crying out to His Father, He was uttering the words of David in Psalm 22.

Psalm Chapter 22 Verse 1

"My God (El), My God (El), why have you forsaken me?"

In Psalm Chapter 22 Verses 16 - 18 David prophecies Yahushua's death and the events that would happen:

"For dogs have surrounded Me, a crowd of evil ones have encircled Me, piercing My hand and My feet; I count all My bones. They look, they stare at Me. They divide My garments among them, and for My raiment they cast lots."

When Yahushua uttered these words, He was showing those who knew Him and knew scripture that the prophecy that David wrote had just been fulfilled.

On hearing these words, those who knew the scriptures, would have immediately known that He was quoting Psalm 22 and they would have realised that what had just taken place fulfilled that prophecy and they would have known that Yahushua was the Messiah. Their minds would have thought about the content of Psalm 22 and they would have known that the events had just been played out right in front of them e.g. a crowd of evil ones encircled Yahushua and shouted 'crucify Him'. They pierced His hands and feet with the nails. Not one of His bones was broken. A crowd stared at Him and jeered at Him. They divided His garments and cast lots for His raiment.

All these events had just taken place

Yahushua's cry was a glorious, triumphant cry. One of authority, knowing that He had accomplished His Father's work. Even through all His pain and suffering He was triumphant, knowing His Father's plan had been accomplished. And after that, His final words were:

"It is finished"

Yahushua's ministry work was complete. He came to do His Father's will and He had completed it and He gave all praise and glory to His Father YaHuWaH

What a glorious picture of Yahushua and His Father. His steadfast, immoveable faithfulness (emunah). The plan of salvation was complete, and three days later on the Sabbath day, YaHuWaH raised Him from the dead to conquer death and make a way for us.

What a glorious cry! Hallelu-YAH!

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