The Name Above All Names
Why Not The Name Yahweh?
Why Not The Name Yahweh?
There are many theories of how to say the divine name of our Creator from the Tetragrammaton 'YHWH'. One of the most popular is the name 'Yahweh'. The idea that YHWH is pronounced Yahweh is championed by religious leaders and experts. However, most of these religious leaders and experts will also tell you that His name is not that important!
There are many theories of how to say the divine name of our Creator from the Tetragrammaton 'YHWH'. One of the most popular is the name 'Yahweh'. The idea that YHWH is pronounced Yahweh is championed by religious leaders and experts. However, most of these religious leaders and experts will also tell you that His name is not that important!

When YHWH revealed His name to Moses He also revealed what it means - “I AM that I AM (Exodus 3:14).” In Hebrew He said: “AhaYaH asher AhaYaH.” The word “ahaYaH” means “I AM” or “I exist.”
When YHWH revealed His name to Moses He also revealed what it means - “I AM that I AM (Exodus 3:14).” In Hebrew He said: “AhaYaH asher AhaYaH.” The word “ahaYaH” means “I AM” or “I exist.”
It is clear that the 'YH' in 'YHWH' is 'YaH.' 'Hayah' is a form of another word that means the same thing: 'Hawah.' We know that 'Wah' was used as a shortened name of YHWH from a few Hebrew names. For example 'Dodawah' was the father of a prophet name Eliezer and his name is mentioned in 2 Chronicles Chapter 20 Verse 37. His name means 'beloved of YHWH.' The only part of his name that is similar to YHWH is the WH at the end of his name. And how is it said? “Wah” or “oo-ah.” So, in the first person our Father called Himself “AhaYaH asher AhaYaH” meaning "I AM that I AM" but when Moses doubts what he should say to the Hebrews he is instructed by our Father in Exodus Chapter 3 Verse 15 to relay to them our Father's Name in the third person - "YaHuWaH" which means 'He who exists (eternally)' and so when we call on our Father we call on Him in the correct grammar form of the third person and not the first person which is what our Father calls Himself...
Exodus 3:15
Exodus 3:15
And the Almighty says again to Moses “Thus you say to the sons of Israel: YHWH (YaHuWaH) God of your fathers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, has sent me to you; this is My Name for all time, and this is My memorial, to generation and generation..."
The Hebrew name for Eve is Hawah (ChaWaH/HaWAH - chavah, to breathe, and hayah, to live, or to give life.) The traditional meaning of Eve is 'living.' So we can see that the ending is 'ah' not 'eh'.
The Hebrew name for Eve is Hawah (ChaWaH/HaWAH - chavah, to breathe, and hayah, to live, or to give life.) The traditional meaning of Eve is 'living.' So we can see that the ending is 'ah' not 'eh'.
The pronunciation 'Yahweh' is not based on the Hebrew language, or the meaning of His name. The 'weh' part of Yahweh is based on a Samaritan substitution word for His name and the writings of the 'Latin Fathers (2 groups that did not keep the way of YHWH.)' In the 19th century a linguist/historian named Wilhelm Gesenius (1786–1842) suggested 'Yahweh' as the most probable pronunciation. Most scholars and religious leaders base their pronunciation of YHWH on his work.
1) For the pronunciation for the first part of the name he recognized that there are many names that have 'YaH' and 'YaHW/YaHoo' as a shortened name for YHWH.
2) For the pronunciation of the last part of the name we can look at the first part of the name. The 'H' or Hebrew letter 'Hey' makes the sound 'ah' so we have YH = Yah the last 'H' is the same 'ah'. The 'W' or Hebrew letter 'Waw' makes the 'oo' sound. Yah-oo-ah. We can also go to the word 'Judah' or 'Yahudah' in Hebrew. It has the same letters except for a letter D. i.e. YHWH -YHWDH. Yahudah is pronounced - YaH - OO - Dah. Take out the letter D and we have 'Yah - oo -ah.'
The pronunciation 'Yahweh' is not based on the Hebrew language, or the meaning of His name. The 'weh' part of Yahweh is based on a Samaritan substitution word for His name and the writings of the 'Latin Fathers (2 groups that did not keep the way of YHWH.)' In the 19th century a linguist/historian named Wilhelm Gesenius (1786–1842) suggested 'Yahweh' as the most probable pronunciation. Most scholars and religious leaders base their pronunciation of YHWH on his work.
1) For the pronunciation for the first part of the name he recognized that there are many names that have 'YaH' and 'YaHW/YaHoo' as a shortened name for YHWH.
2) For the pronunciation of the last part of the name we can look at the first part of the name. The 'H' or Hebrew letter 'Hey' makes the sound 'ah' so we have YH = Yah the last 'H' is the same 'ah'. The 'W' or Hebrew letter 'Waw' makes the 'oo' sound. Yah-oo-ah. We can also go to the word 'Judah' or 'Yahudah' in Hebrew. It has the same letters except for a letter D. i.e. YHWH -YHWDH. Yahudah is pronounced - YaH - OO - Dah. Take out the letter D and we have 'Yah - oo -ah.'
Yahweh is not a Hebrew name or word. Yahweh is not His name. It is an attempt to reconstruct the pronunciation of YHWH based on:
1) The testimony of people who didn’t pronounce His name and:
2) Bad copies of ancient texts. The scriptures themselves testify that both 'YaH' and 'WaH (oo-ah)' are shortened forms of His name. The Hebrew words 'haYaH' and 'haWaH' both mean the same thing – I AM. He told Moses “I AM that I AM.”
Our Creator's name is most certainly not Yahweh. The scriptures prove many times that His name in the third person and what we are to call Him is - YaHuWaH!
Yahweh is not a Hebrew name or word. Yahweh is not His name. It is an attempt to reconstruct the pronunciation of YHWH based on:
1) The testimony of people who didn’t pronounce His name and:
2) Bad copies of ancient texts. The scriptures themselves testify that both 'YaH' and 'WaH (oo-ah)' are shortened forms of His name. The Hebrew words 'haYaH' and 'haWaH' both mean the same thing – I AM. He told Moses “I AM that I AM.”
Our Creator's name is most certainly not Yahweh. The scriptures prove many times that His name in the third person and what we are to call Him is - YaHuWaH!